Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Story of our Blog


I (East Coast Mom) was pretty new to Pinterest when I saw this Chicken and Kale Casserole. At first, I wasn’t going to pin it, since for the most part, I try to stay away from a lot of carbs, heavy cheese sauce, etc. But there was something about it…not sure if it was the off-center picture that drew me in, or the fact that Kale seems to be everywhere these days (is kale the new spinach?) But once I clicked on it and saw it was Martha’s dish... PIN. I love her and everything she does (minus the whole jail time thing, of course. Yet, even that, she managed to turn into a "Good Thing.")

I made it for dinner. I loved it. Husband loved it. Kids ate a little, but really, a few bites of any new food without gagging, to me, is a major success.

Little did I know a certain friend of mine on the opposite coast, also thought this casserole was pin-worthy.

FB message from Feb 17th

Not to sound corny, but I think Pinterest has changed my life! I only wish I had thought of the idea for the website...and all the ideas I've been repinning from people. Wow. So neat! I made that chicken and kale casserole recipe for dinner last night-- we just randomly had all the ingredients and nothing else to eat. It was delicious!
Hope you guys are doing well!

Omg I made it for dinner last nite too!! How amazing was it! I used canellini beans instead if chix. So. Good. It has changed my life too. I'm so inspired to cook again..and decorate! I'm out right now so ill write more later. I'll actually be free to talk tonite as Jeff is going out...just in case u happen to be free too.

Too funny! I actually made it with turkey meatballs instead of chicken and penne instead of shells...but whatever, it was delicious! Yes! So inspired and less overwhelmed with trying to find ideas for the kiddos and life online. Call me if you can, I think Jason is flying this afternoon and we're going to try to go to the grocery store, but I'll answer if I can. If not, we'll catch up another time. I learned last night that I can't pinterest before bedtime-- too many ideas swirling around my head and I can't sleep :)

In case you're wondering, we never did actually get that phone conversation in...being on different coasts makes it nearly impossible. But we've shared a lot of emails since then, which inspired this blog. We're going to review some of the things we've "pinned" and actually made. Plus, with 4 kids between the two of us, we have plenty of parenting stories to share...not expert advice by any means, just day to day stuff we're going through that we hope you can relate to also!

So stay tuned...

East Coast & West Coast Mom


  1. I haven't even joined Pinterest yet...I am scared I will become addicted!

  2. Alli-It's not as addicting as Facebook, at least in my opinion. But it can be a time waster. I go on it about once a week. Really great ideas!!
    East Coast Mom
